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Preparing for the global transformation |
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26 June 2019: |
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Industriall Global Union represents over 50 million member industry workers in 140 countries.
See the Guide to the right transition A basket of disruptive technologies and work structures that are rapidly transforming the world of work. If we can guide the implementation of these new technologies, we can create quality work with reduced working time and improved occupational health and safety. |
The day of overcoming the possibilities of the Earth |
This is the day when humanity ended the budget of nature for the whole year
A collection of independent scientific studies that confirm the effects of climate change on human health. See: The imperative of climate action to protect human health in Europe |
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The 14th Meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Basel Convention today agreed to include mixed, unrecyclable and contaminated plastic waste exports into the control regime that requires the consent of importing countries before waste exports can proceed. The decision was hailed by the vast majority of the 187 nations present as well as by the Convention's environmental watchdog organization -- Basel Action Network (BAN) along with other civil society groups in attendance, as a breakthrough for environmental justice and an ethical circular economy. |
ILO: Work-related fatalities reach 2 million annually |
A scientific and technological revolution include advanced digitalization, artificial intelligence, semi-autonomous interconnected machines, advanced robotics, 3-D printing, nanotechnology, advanced biotechnology, and platform work, among others.
The technologies themselves are not the problem; it is the logic driving their introduction, which at this time is to reduce labour costs and labour standards. A transition will take place. We can do • a violent scramble for desperate last-minute survival measures that completely dismiss human rights and social protection • or an orderly and Just Transition that respects and protects present-day workers while creating new decent work in sustainable industries The transition to a cleaner, more sustainable economy must be economically and socially just and fair for workers and their communities. In particular with large multinational corporations the principles of sustainable industrial policies and a Just Transition should be baked into collective agreements. |
• It is a key requirement of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change adopted at COP21 in 2015. • It is the subject of the Solidarity and Just Transition Silesia Declaration adopted at COP24 in 2018. • t is defined in ILO’s Guidelines for a Just Transition towards Environmentally Sustainable Economies and Societies for All. • Investment in Just Transition programmes is explained by the organization Principles for Responsible Investment in their document Climate change and the Just Transition: a guide for investor action. • It is reflected in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Climate change is a serious threat to the well-being of everyone and its main cause is human activity. The evidence is irrefutable. Scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have issued a stern warning: the world has approximately a 12-year window in which to act if we are to keep global average warming to less than 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels and avoid environmental catastrophe. |
Sustainable industrial policies and plans Sustainable industrial policies treat the environment, the economy, and society in an integrated manner. • They must be based on a commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. • Sustainable industrial policies must ensure that favoured industries create safe and healthy workplaces with workers’ rights to know about the hazards of work, to refuse/shut down unsafe work, and to fully participate in health and safety policies, programmes and procedures.. • Each community should have a specific action plan, including plans for investing in and developing low-carbon industries, renewable energy production and storage, and improved energy efficiency. Creating decent work must be a goal of sustainable industrial policies. |
China’s energy plans
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What is the circular economy about? |
Circular Economy Action Plan
![]() The success of the circular economy is permitted from the scientific and technological revolution (that include advanced digitalization, artificial intelligence, semi-autonomous interconnected machines, advanced robotics, 3-D printing, nanotechnology, advanced biotechnology, and platform work, among others.). |
Link alle news letter più recenti: • 2019: by 2030 to change development and to avoid disaster • TOGETHER WE CHOOSE HOW TO CHANGE DEVELOPMENT • THERE IS A LITTLE TIME TO CHANGE THE DEVELOPMENT • we must choose together |
To go on from the squandering management (with its high costs both for the company and for the system) to a circular economy, a functional tool is needed that, in the model of "Sistema Ambiente", it is the environmental balance fed by the environmental accounting (the relative quantitative values the progress and the destination of the resources along the cycle of the material and the impact that they have in the system in which the company is inserted) and the industrial accounting. The making at company level allows to begin the balances of area and sector with a compound method. |
Ambiente”,the system of management of Digitalis, in addition to the utility of normal record and production of documents of treatment of residues, offers some important opportunities for a better waste processing organization. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2017/581913/EPRS_STU%282017%29581913_EN.pdf |
The Environmental Balance also includes the calculation of the equivalent carbon: calculation that is prepared in every aspect of the cycle of production (the energy consumption in processes and products, the way of transport of the workpeople and the used one for materials and products, manufacture of the raw material, the residues produced by the processes and the end of the useful life of the products). The calculation is the base to understand how to modify the processes and to plan how to reduce the gas emission of greenhouse effect produced by the cycle. http://www.bilans-ges.ademe.fr/en/accueil/contenu/index/page/principles/siGras/0